2018-19 CTE Instructional Program Review
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Business & Management

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2a. Describe the results of your previous Program Review’s action plan.
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In our previous Program Review, the department aspired to –
Increase online course offerings: This has been accomplished, with Distance Education addendums approved for existing and new courses, and an increase in sections offered online. Furthermore, we have focused adjunct hiring on those with online teaching experience.
Increase labor market-specific certificates/curriculum: There have been accomplishments, though the effort will be ongoing as demands change/remain fluid. Since last Program Review, the department has created a Business Information Worker certificate of specialization, Facility Management certificate of specialization (one of two in California, the only one in northern California, in cooperation with the International Facility Management Association), and a Marketing Specialist certificate of achievement, including several new, social media marketing/digital marketing focused courses.
Keep curriculum current: Courses in BUS, MGMT, and BUSW were updated in Fall 2018 and were approved/are in the process of approval through the Curriculum Committee.

2b. Program coherence and effectiveness: Explain any curriculum changes since last program review, including SLO alignments.
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An audit of Student Learning Outcomes and Program Learning Outcomes and their alignment with Institutional Learning Outcomes (conducted in cooperation with Madeleine Murphy, Assessment Coordinator) facilitated alignment of course SLOs with ILOs and the college’s strategic goals. Since the last Program Review, we have created a Cooperative Education: Internship course (BUS 672) that can be utilized and tailored by multiple department programs, allows student internship to be supervised and measured for outcomes.

2c. Student success and equity: Discuss what your program has done to address equity gaps between student populations and between modes of delivery (online, hybrid, and face-to-face), describing your successes, works in progress, and/or ongoing challenges.
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African-American and Pacific Islander success rates were identified as equity gaps in our last Program Review. Subsequently, efforts were made to offer additional/personal support. This resulted in small increases for African-American success, from 50% to 54.2% between 15-16 to 16-17, and large increases for Pacific Islander success, from 35.7% to 80% for the same timeframe, despite a drop in Pacific Islander enrollment from 14 to 10 students. For this Program Review cycle, a gap between female and male success rates has been identified. Female to male success rates are 80% vs. 72.4%. Further, White success has dropped from 81% to 74.9% with a concurrent increase in withdrawal rates for this demographic, from 11.4% to 17.4%.
Other areas of success are increases in Hispanic and Filipino success rates.
Due to limitations of online learning, student-to-student contact in distance education sections has been increased by including peer review assignments, discussion forums, study groups, and group assignments to online and hybrid courses.
The department has made a concerted effort to locate and vet low-cost textbooks (our average is $85 per book).

2d. Provide an update on any long-term plans that are still in progress (if applicable).
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Physical spaces for teaching/offices are scattered and insufficient. The department is auditing our physical spaces. We have already identified general problems in classrooms including temperature control, audio/visual technology, floorplans, and comfort. These deficiencies impose barriers to communication and directly impact the delivery of material. Further, the delay in replacing building 19 due to ongoing litigation is impacting the department. Until the fate of building 19 is known, improvements to classrooms should be made.
Entrepreneurship Center (eCenter): The business department seeks to create an eCenter to offer students a co-working space with maker/incubator space elements. By utilizing an existing space in building 19, the eCenter will be a student space with basic office equipment (fax, printer, copier, coffee station, refrigerator, scanner, desks, conference table, video/telephone conference equipment, computer), maker equipment (3-D printer) and incubator services (adjacent classroom for management training, Venture Capitalist/pitch events, competitions, business classes, adult education curriculum, etc.). A TV monitor will stream Bloomberg, CNBC, or relevant TedTalks, and television shows (I.e. Shark Tank).
Continue to develop labor market skillset relevant curriculum by adapting existing programs (certificates, courses, degrees) and developing new ones.

3a. Course and program assessment. Discuss the results of your program assessment. Explain any strategies, research, initiatives, curriculum development or other activities intended to improve student learning and promote educational equity in your discipline, either at the course or program level.
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All course and program SLOs are scheduled to be realigned for Fall 2019 to capture the true essence of the courses and programs providing students with measurable and meaningful outcomes, resulting in assessable learning outcomes. As a result, all business and management courses and programs have a maximum of three student learning outcomes. Additional curricular changes in business and management courses include course alignment with district colleges, changing all courses to 3-unit courses, and adding all modes of delivery (face-to-face, online and hybrid). Program changes include updating the AA in Business Administration, creating new and converting all certificates to certificates of achievement rather than specialization.
As a response to the California Online Education initiative, during the next academic year, we will explore which programs in our department can be offered 100% online.

3b. General Education / Institutional assessment. Discuss participation in any General Education, Core Competencies, institutional or interdisciplinary assessment activities. 
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A total of eight of our business and management courses reinforce GE SLOs and approximately one quarter of our courses qualify as CSM GE credit, including areas of Social Sciences, Career Exploration and Development, and Communication and Analytical Thinking. As course curriculum is being updated, the department will add additional GE areas as appropriate.
Courses currently supporting GE areas:
BUS100, Social Science
BUS101, Social Science, Career Exploration and Self Development
BUS115, Communication and Analytical Thinking
BUS125, Social Sciences, Social Institutions, Behavioral Sciences
BUS201, Career Exploration and Self Development
BUS103, Communication and Analytical Thinking
BUS401, Communication and Analytical Thinking
MGMT100, Career Exploration and Self Development

Labor Market Demand
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4b. Summarize student outcomes in terms of degrees and certificates. Identify areas of accomplishments and areas of concern.
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The business transfer program is one of the most popular programs in our department. However, while College of San Mateo still has the highest number of successful transfers (tracked), there is a decline since 2009. This could be due to lack of course offerings or not enough sections of a course at CSM. We are currently developing new strategies to offer more sections, which will require marketing support and additional full-time faculty.
Of CSM's declared majors (As of Fall 2017, per CSM Self-Evaluation), Business/Management is ranked first. Business/Management is, therefore, the primary declared course of study for students seeking to complete a degree on-campus, or utilize CSM-offered curricula for end-goal/course-of-study completion. The majority of our business and management students are transferring to 4-year institutions. However, not all of the transfers are completing the transfer degree, therefore, the number of awarded transfer degrees is not representative of the actual number of students who transfer, a much higher number. We will continue to offer and add stackable certificates as they serve as a good marketing and motivational tool. Additionally, we can capture those students who have short-term educational goals. We awarded a total of 429 degrees in business administration out of which 273 or 63.6% were transfer degrees. In addition to the transfer degree, we awarded a total of 229 AA degrees in business administration. In management, we have awarded a total of 40 AA degrees and 51 certificates of achievement and 132 certificates of specialization in human resources management and 31 certificates of specialization in project management. We plan to convert all certificates of specialization to certificates of achievement during the next academic year, offering students a more robust educational pathway.

4c. Review and update the program’s Advisory Committee information. Provide the date of most recent advisory committee meeting.
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The most recent date for the Advisory Committee was January 2013. Under discussion at that time were the following items: a. curriculum; b. address industry needs and changes; c. potential to open an office of the SBDC on campus; d. launching an entrepreneurship program.
A new advisory committee will be organized and meet in Spring 2019. Currently, we have industry members from the legal, financial, and technology industry. We are actively recruiting more industry and community members to our board.

5a. Provide a brief description, including actions, measurable outcomes, and timelines  
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Professional Development: Lead faculty will attend E3T2 training in the spring, and several faculty have attending equity-related flex day events.
Lead faculty are involved with Guided Pathways and Academic Senate and will continue to receive exposure to and training around equity.
Textbooks: The department is working with publishers to further reduce costs by going to digital copies for all required textbooks. We expect this to yield further cost reductions (estimate 30%), and will work with administration to seek zero-cost/subsidized textbooks.

5b. What will your program do to increase student success and promote student equity in the next two years? What kind of professional development and institutional support will be engaged and enacted to meet these goals?  
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With regards to the success rate gap between females and males, and the drop in White success rates, the department will work with the Director of Equity to formulate an equity/academic support plan.
With regards to the success rate gap between females and males, and the drop in White success rates, the department will work with the Director of Equity to formulate an equity/academic support plan.
Our plan to continue improved success rates for African-American and Pacific Islander ethnic groups are to work with learning communities (UMOJA and MANA) to coordinate support, and to design courses of cultural relevance, such as a proposed Black Entrepreneurs class.

5c. Describe other professional development activities and institutional support and collaborations that would most effectively ensure that the program achieve its goals and plans.  
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Continued professional development around current trends in business, pedagogy (lecture, online, and hybrid), and Guided Pathways.