2018-19 Instructional Program Review
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Art 2-D

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Creative Arts/Social Science

Submission Date

Description of Program
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Results of your previous Program Review’s action plan
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2b. Program coherence and effectiveness: Explain any curriculum changes since last program review, including SLO alignments.
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2D Art courses created and approved by COI:
1) Plein Air Painting II, III and IV (Art 253, 254, 255) in order to complete this family of courses.

2) Extended Fine Arts Studio Workshop (Art 807) in order to offer extra studio time for students under faculty supervision.


1) 2D Design (Art 301); bringing it more into alignment with DGME 103 so that studio art and graphic design students can take one or the other to satisfy major requirements. Also requested that it be CSM GE E5c and E5d.
2) Modified all Studio Art and Art History programs to reflect the interchangeability of Art 301 and DGME 103, as described above.
3) Portfolio Preparation (Art 200), text updated by Vera Fainshtein, Graphic Design (2D Art and Graphic Design share this course)


1) Old Masters’ Aesthetics and Techniques (Art 124), so that it can be taught in the Spring 2019 Study Abroad program in Florence, Italy.


1) Mixed Media Art I – III (Art 315, 316, 317), as these are not in keeping with our core mission.

Student Success and Equity
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Long-term plans
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3a. Course and program assessment. Discuss the results of your program assessment. Explain any strategies, research, initiatives, curriculum development or other activities intended to improve student learning and promote educational equity in your discipline, either at the course or program level.
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Faculty regularly assess both individually and collectively the SLOs in the core and elective courses in terms of our stated mission, which is to prepare students in a strong foundation of art making skills to successfully transfer or improve career prospects in a supportive and challenging environment. Please see our curriculum changes above to see which courses we added, modified or deleted with this end in mind.

Faculty routinely meet and discuss SLOs once a semester. We assess through midterm and portfolio reviews, as well as quizzes, final exams and classroom participation in critiques. We noticed that there were a wide variety of classroom expectations, particularly in terms of attendance and grading, which caused confusion for both students and faculty. This semester, we voted as a faculty on a consistent attendance policy for all 2D art classes. We checked that our grading criteria for portfolios was consistent and clearly stated on all of our syllabi.

3b. General Education / Institutional assessment. Discuss participation in any General Education, Core Competencies, institutional or interdisciplinary assessment activities. 
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The 2D faculty try to embed the core competencies and ILOs into the written SLOs for all courses and program. We strongly believe in visual literacy and have worked with COI to offer as many courses as possible as CSM GEs. Rebecca Alex, lead faculty, has met with Madeleine Murphy to discuss and implement mapping course to program to institution SLOs.

4a. Provide a brief description, including actions, measurable outcomes, and timelines  
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1 Finish mapping course to program to institution SLOs by the end of January
2 Simplify current course SLOs (when each course is updated), timeline is
3)Increase enrollment for the unrepresented ethnic groups stated in the
first part of this program review. Action plan includes continuing to
reach out to Umoja, Mana and Puente. Increase visibility of studio art on
campus through participation in college-wide fairs and activities. Make
sure that our courses are not Euro-centric in instructional and visual
contexts. Timeline is ongoing.

4b. What will your program do to increase student success and promote student equity in the next two years? What kind of professional development and institutional support will be engaged and enacted to meet these goals?  
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1) Work with the faculty and professional development to increase
representation of world culture aesthetics in the studio art curriculum
2) Work with the college for institutional support in terms of cross-program
collaboration, such as offering professional development opportunities
for instructors to cross-fertilize curriculum. For instance, could
Studio Art and Ethnic Studies offer a studio art course that satisfies an
Ethnic Studies major?
3) Expand the arts education internship program into other local schools.
4) Get the AOC (Art on Campus) task force back up and running. It’s now on
the back burner both in terms of lack of time for Rebecca Alex and

4c. Describe other professional development activities and institutional support and collaborations that would most effectively ensure that the program achieve its goals and plans.  
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A major obstacle for achieving all of the above is the fact that studio art courses run for three hours, twice a week. This means that all of the art faculty teach from 9 – 4 p.m. most days, which leave little time to participate in committees and collaborations. There is one full-timer to run the program. I do not know the solution for this (perhaps course release time for the full-timer to participate in more college initiatives and committees or compensation to the adjuncts to participate.)

Regardless, the 2D art program is strong and thriving and students and faculty are excited to be part of it. We have almost reached our room capacity in terms of course offerings and feel that we are accomplishing our mission. We are a united team and enjoy working together and with our students.