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Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS) & CARE
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1a. Provide a brief description of the program and how it supports the college’s Mission and Values Statements, its Diversity Statement, CSM’s and SMCCCD’s Strategic Plans, and the college’s Educational Master Plan. You may also discuss any factors that have impacted the program and its enrollment. Include changes in student populations, statewide initiatives, transfer requirements, advisory committee recommendations, legal mandates, workforce development and employment opportunities, and community needs.
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| Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) offers ‘above and beyond’ support services designed to increase the access, retention and success rates of low-income, often first generation college students who are enrolled full-time and meet income and education criteria. Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) serves EOPS students who are state cash-aid recipients, and single head-of-household with dependent children. EOPS/CARE offers eligible students assistance with counseling, priority registration, book service, tutoring, semester parking permit, grants, computer and printing access, assistance in the completion of financial aid and scholarship applications, transfer services including application and transcript fee waivers, university tours, and study skills workshops. CARE students receive all of the EOPS support services as well as supplies, parenting and self-development workshops, meal cards, and assistance with childcare costs. EOPS will assist the college with increasing the number of students enrolled that are affected by language, social and economic disadvantages; to complete their chosen educational objective; to transfer to a four-year institution following completion of their related educational program; and improve the delivery of programs and services to underserved students. Working in collaboration with BSI, DIAG, SSSP, and Student Equity committees, EOPS helps to carry out committee missions and goals and fulfills the college Institutional Priorities #1 (Improve Student Success), #2 (Promote Academic Excellence) and #3 (Develop Responsive, High-quality Programs and Services), as well as promotes the message of CSM’s Diversity Statement to be inclusive of all students and provide a dynamic learning and working environment. | |
Results of your previous Program Review’s action plan
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2b. Program coherence and effectiveness: Explain any curriculum changes since last program review, including SLO alignments
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| With the goal of expanding outreach efforts even further, EOPS has established a SOAR (Student Outreach and Recruitment) Team. The SOAR team is comprised of EOPS students who embody the ideals of the program through fostering relationships with high school students in conjunction with CSM EOPS high school partners and the CSM Outreach Team. The SOAR team, like the EOPS program, is committed to increasing college access and fostering student success among underserved and hyper-marginalized student populations. These goals are achieved through such sustained efforts as cross-age mentorship, round table discussions, facilitated dialogues, tabling and an established presence in the lives of identified at-risk high school students. In addition to expanded outreach, EOPS Program Staff will make an effort to actively participate in college-wide committees as well as engage with key initiatives (e.g. Guided Pathways, AB 705) in order to spread awareness and advocate for the vulnerable student populations we support and serve. | |