2018-19 CTE Instructional Program Review
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1a. Provide a brief description of the program and how it supports the college’s Mission and Values Statements, its Diversity Statement, CSM’s and SMCCCD’s Strategic Plans, and the college’s Educational Master Plan. You may also discuss any factors that have impacted the program and its enrollment. Include changes in student populations, statewide initiatives, transfer requirements, advisory committee recommendations, legal mandates, workforce development and employment opportunities, and community needs.
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Description of Program
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2a. Describe the results of your previous Program Review’s action plan.
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Results of your previous Program Review’s action plan
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2b. Program coherence and effectiveness: Explain any curriculum changes since last program review, including SLO alignments.
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Since the last program review and also upon recommendation of the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), we have reviewed our conceptual model for nursing to align and reflects the updates and changes in the field of nursing. As part of the curriculum review, we have revised one of our courses NURS 231- Psychiatric Nursing. The redesign matches specific instructional objectives to student learning outcomes (SLO's). In addition, our theory objectives have been redesigned to match our clinical objectives, so the assigned activities reflect the application of the nursing process through critical thinking and caring behaviors to promote physiological and psychological integrity. The new conceptual model along with the course realignment is being submitted to the BRN for approval before we proceed with the redesign of all of the courses in the program. All of the courses are due for review within the next six months. It is our plan to revise and submit to the Review Board once approval has been obtained.

2c. Student success and equity: Discuss what your program has done to address equity gaps between student populations and between modes of delivery (online, hybrid, and face-to-face), describing your successes, works in progress, and/or ongoing challenges.
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For 2017-2018, the program aggregated rate of success 96%, a retention rate of 97.3% and a withdrawal rate of 2.7% are on par or above the college averages.
Demographic comparison-Percentages
Ethnicity SON College
Asian 18.6 18.0
African American 4.2 3.0
Filipino 24.5 8.0
Hispanic 18.2 19.0
Pacific Islander 1.3 2.0
White 25.6 29.0
Looking at the ethnicity demographics, we are certainly on par with the college. As far as performance, the Asian population percent of enrollment has remained stable. Their percentage of success rate is also stable at 95 percentile. The African American population has increased from 2.8% from 16-17 to 4.2% in 2017-2018 and has increased the success rate from 86.4 to 93.9. The Filipino population has increased from 19.2% from the prior year to 24.5% and has increased the success rate from 90.8% to 96.3%. The Hispanic population has decreased from 185 to 142 and is lower than the college by .8%. Their success rate also declined from 98.9% to 93.0%. We have an opportunity to study this gap to see where why there is a drop in enrolment and success rate. Our Pacific Islander enrolment rate has always been below 20. Also, the success rate has dropped from 100% to 90%. It is a low number of enrollees, but none of the less, we should review our practices and available resources for the underrepresented populations. The White population is well represented as compared to the college demographics. This population has a 25.6% enrolment rate vs the college at 29%. The success rate for White increased 2% points from 97% to 99%. The White population has the lowest withdrawal rate at 1.0%. We should review the students' surveys to understand the dynamics. All of our core courses are face to face (F2F). We offer two supporting courses online in the summer. Interest to offering them in Fall 2019.

2d. Provide an update on any long-term plans that are still in progress (if applicable).
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We are still in the process of upgrading our simulation/skills lab. We are in the need of a simulation baby (6 months old range) The pediatric rotation in the community is very limited and we are further limited to six students from ten. There is a need to replace about 8 cameras that are analogs and not digitals. The new software is unable to talk with the old cameras. We will also continue with our course revisions and ensure that they are culturally sensitive. We will continue to monitor the merit base admission process to ensure success and equity. We will also strive to increase our clinical partners to provide equitable clinical rotations to our students.

3a. Course and program assessment. Discuss the results of your program assessment. Explain any strategies, research, initiatives, curriculum development or other activities intended to improve student learning and promote educational equity in your discipline, either at the course or program level.
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Course and program assessment
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3b. General Education / Institutional assessment. Discuss participation in any General Education, Core Competencies, institutional or interdisciplinary assessment activities. 
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General Education / Institutional assessment
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4a. Review the program's available labor market data, as applicable. Here are two relevant links:
Explain how the program meets a documented labor market demand.
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According to the EMSI Report Q3 2018 Data Set, in 2017 there were 51,106 jobs posted. There were annual openings of 4,044. The median hourly earnings were $63.99/hour. The growth between 2017 to 2024 is expected to be +17.39. In the year 2024, the number of RN jobs will go up to 59,991, which represents a positive change of 8,885 jobs. Our graduates are expected to be prepared for evolving roles dealing with concepts of health promotion, population health management, the ability to deal with the social determinants of health, leading to community-based and interprofessional approaches to care. Our graduates are also expected to practice across multiple settings to the fullest extent of their license.

The employment data from the State Chancellor's office for the Perkins IV Core indicators for San Mateo College indicate the following for nursing:
Core 1- Skill Attainment 88.89 which surpasses the performance goal of 83.04% for (2014-2015).
Core 2- Completion 100.00 which surpasses the performance goal of 86.59% for (2014-2015.
Core 3- Persistence 130.77, which surpasses the performance goal of 88.35% for (2014-2015).
Core 4- Employment 100%, which surpasses the performance goal of 68.00% for (2014-2015).

There are several other reports that I have reviewed for the labor market data that I have compiled and attached below.

Labor Market Demand
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4b. Summarize student outcomes in terms of degrees and certificates. Identify areas of accomplishments and areas of concern.
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We graduated the second cohort since the merit base admission process was put in place. Out of the 41 students that we had expected to take the Board Exam, 38 students have sat for the exam and passed (100%). The Board only reports on first-time test takers. We have 3 additional students who have to work on transcripts and completing some general education prior to seating for the exam. Areas of concerns are that we need to do a better job with grad checks or make sure that we have all of the official transcripts prior to graduation. The longer that a student waits to sit for the boards, the passing rate deminishes.

4c. Review and update the program’s Advisory Committee information. Provide the date of most recent advisory committee meeting.
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The most recent Nursing Advisory Board was held on October 15, 2018. The Board discussed the applications trends. Almost 100 more applications were received for the Fall 2018 admission cycle, due to the SFSU ADN- BSN program. SFSU will admit the top 40 applicants to start in April 2020. One more semester to complete BSN. The Advisory Board in April 2018, reported that the First Merit-Based who graduated last year (2017) had a 99% pass rate. Also, the SON worked with a consultant to guide us with the curriculum revision. The revision is ready to be submitted to the BRN this Fall 2018.

Merit-Based is still showing a positive outcome for CSM – 100% of 38 graduate students (Class of 2018) passed NCLEX on the first quarter. 48 graduate students, two students still working on their A.A. degree courses. The Board discussed the lack of participation from some of our community agency members. We need to seek out new members as well as to continue to offer electronic access to the meeting.

5a. Provide a brief description, including actions, measurable outcomes, and timelines  
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As far as students success, for 2018-2019, we want to retain or improve the program aggregated rate of success 96%, a retention rate of 97.3% and a withdrawal rate of 2.7% are on par or above the college averages. Continue to be equitable and diverse in our student body. Continue to pursue and iron out the partnership with SFSU to create a seamless BSN transfer for our ADN students.

5b. What will your program do to increase student success and promote student equity in the next two years? What kind of professional development and institutional support will be engaged and enacted to meet these goals?  
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Increase Student Success: Improve the theory tests making them more like NCLEX, which includes transmitting proctored tests to students in an electronic format. Make more practice tests with discussions regarding NCLEX style questions and responses. Continue meeting with students who are underperforming and reviewing better ways to study, time management and deal with life demands (that do not go away just because of school). Petition for a computer lab for the Nursing/Dental students to allow better test preparations and taking. Maintain an NCLEX first time test taking score 90% and above. Beginning this academic year 2018-19 most nursing courses are requiring students to practice designated hands-on skills in Open Lab in order to increase success with the technical requirements at the clinical settings.

Collaboration with campus librarians and the English department will help the nursing program reach the goal of improved communication.

Promote Student Equity: Our current demographics show fluctuating but overall a diverse student population. The program is well represented at local and college fairs where the program is presented to our community through the services we offer in education on health topics, flu vaccination clinics, and diabetic testing. This can be improved by making an effort to participate in local high school fairs in our more diverse neighborhoods. Nursing can include programs like Spark Point in the nursing program information pamphlets, website and other means of communication.

5c. Describe other professional development activities and institutional support and collaborations that would most effectively ensure that the program achieve its goals and plans.  
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Professional development: Nursing associate professors (tenure track) are advised to complete coursework in test construction related to NCLEX. With understanding the framework of the NCLEX-RN exam, faculty will improve test construction and improve average test scores. With underperforming students, our current counselor and faculty are very supportive and instrumental in helping students. The nursing courses are very demanding and time consuming taking away from personal and family incomes; 40% of our student are working and sometimes they are sole providers of their households. All faculty and staff should be enlightened about the financial and other resources available to all campus students, i.e. presentations by EOPS and Spark Point. Sharing information and encouraging the use of campus resources will allow our students with financial and more unique needs to be successful in progressing through the program. The BRN and other accreditation bodies require interdisciplinary training and exercises. We conduct a yearly joint simulation activity with the EMT program. Our faculty needs continuous development and updates on the national and California benchmarks that are guiding our nursing program. There is a national and statewide need in transforming nursing education. Currently, it takes an average of 8.6 years for ADN students to obtain a BSN. The IOM in 2011 set a goal for 80% BSN by 2020. The Nat'l Education Progression Nursing Collaborative (NEPIN) set a goal for 1 million incumbent and 90% of new ADNs graduate to the BSN or higher by 2025. The California status shows only 19% increase in RN-2-BSN over the past 10 years; 65% of prelicensure programs are ADN and 53% of RN graduates are from ADN programs. The 2018 current forecast is 54.4% of RNs have BSNs; 59.8% of BSN RN projected for 2020 and only 66% of BSN RNs are projected by 2025. Employers have rising expectations of nurses due to the complexity of healthcare demands shifting focus to population health.

Activities, Support and Collaboration
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