2018-19 Instructional Program Review
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Language Arts

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1a. Provide a brief description of the program and how it supports the college’s Mission and Values Statements, its Diversity Statement, CSM’s and SMCCCD’s Strategic Plans, and the college’s Educational Master Plan. You may also discuss any factors that have impacted the program and its enrollment. Include changes in student populations, statewide initiatives, transfer requirements, advisory committee recommendations, legal mandates, workforce development and employment opportunities, and community needs.
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The Film program currently offers courses in film studies, film history and screen writing. Most courses are transferable to CSU and UC, and count toward graduation requirements. All Film courses emphasize critical thinking skills and media literacy. All courses prepare students for upper division coursework, a BA degree in Film and Media studies, as well as, more indirectly, production work in film and media industries. All courses integrate a diverse curriculum with respect to screenings, topics and readings, and aim to reflect the diversity of our students. The Film program actively supports transfer and student success; Film has been directly involved in the Honors Project, and works across the curriculum with Digital Media, Ethnic Studies, Literature, Mana, International Ed and other instructional programs.
(Improve Student Success; Promote Academic Excellence; Develop Responsive, High-Quality Programs and Services; Enhance Institutional Dialog)

Results of your previous Program Review’s action plan
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2b. Program coherence and effectiveness: Explain any curriculum changes since last program review, including SLO alignments.
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Student Success and Equity
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2d. Provide an update on any long-term plans that are still in progress (if applicable).
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Course and Program Assessment
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General Education / Institutional assessment
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4a. Provide a brief description, including actions, measurable outcomes, and timelines  
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All the goals listed below derive directly from student demand, attempts to close equity gaps, bolster campus initiatives around academic support and cross-program collaborations, and the letter and spirit of the district Strategic Goals.
Goal 1: Expand section offerings
--expand our OL offerings: more OL sections of Film 100; and more OL versions of other film courses (submit DE supplements to CC): screenwriting, global cinema, film genres, etc.

--offer more sections of Film 100 on campus – current offerings always max at 50, and have long waitlists

Goal 2: Curriculum development
--create a new, second level screenwriting course

--explore creating courses that angle toward CTE/Workforce: 1) a Digital Media Lab training/internship course; and 2) a Film Festival course (likely, both one-unit courses).

--continue to diversify film course content, with both more multicultural content and more production coursework opportunities

Goal 3: Collaboration and Partnerships
--continue to partner with Mana, International Ed and Global Studies major, regularly offering cohorted Film 140 Global Cinema course. Here we would also like to work more closely and concretely with the ESL program, for guidance on how to manage language and culture challenges. Spring 19 we will offer Film 140 focusing on Pacific Islander and Indigenous Cinemas, partnering with Mana and International Ed.

--explore possibility of similar partnership with Puente program, offering Film 140 focused on Latinx and/or International Hispanic cinema

--continue to partner with DGME on the FTVE ADT degree, and on utilizing the DGME lab for film production assignments, equipment access, growth and storage.

4b. What will your program do to increase student success and promote student equity in the next two years? What kind of professional development and institutional support will be engaged and enacted to meet these goals?  
If your answer is more than 2000 characters (approximately 300 words), please upload a Word document below (10 MB or less). If you’re not sure, please upload your answer. Please upload text only; we cannot ensure that non-text such as images, diagrams, or charts will be retained in the final submission.
See attachment.

Student Success and Equity
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4c. Describe other professional development activities and institutional support and collaborations that would most effectively ensure that the program achieve its goals and plans.  
If your answer is more than 2000 characters (approximately 300 words), please upload a Word document below (10 MB or less). If you’re not sure, please upload your answer. Please upload text only; we cannot ensure that non-text such as images, diagrams, or charts will be retained in the final submission.
See attachment.

Activities, Support and Collaboration
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