2018-19 CTE Instructional Program Review
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2a. Describe the results of your previous Program Review’s action plan.
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The architecture department has endeavored to respond to our transfer students comments and feedback regarding increased preparation with advanced digital graphic modeling as well as advanced transfer requirements in materials and methods of construction technologies.

2b. Program coherence and effectiveness: Explain any curriculum changes since last program review, including SLO alignments.
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The program offered and tested 2 experimental courses. Arch 680 MB addressing the materials and methods of
construction and a design-build team project. This course provided a vehicle for students to participate in the Cal Poly
SLO Design Village Competition and also work with the City of San Mateo to design & construct two downtown
“Parklets”. Arch 680 MC offered a short course to provide an introduction to the 3d modeling program “Rhino 3d”,
which is currently the academic standard for graphic communication at most trnasfer programs. These
experimental courses will now be offered as actual courses for Spring 2019, as Arch 225 and Arch 146

2c. Student success and equity: Discuss what your program has done to address equity gaps between student populations and between modes of delivery (online, hybrid, and face-to-face), describing your successes, works in progress, and/or ongoing challenges.
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Community Colleges are recongnized and respected in the profession of architecture as an effective and progressive means to offer alternative paths to the environmental design disciplines, most specifically to the profession of architecture and professional licensure.

2017-2018 data reflects the following sample CSM architecture student population mix: 37.1% Asian, 8.6% Filipino, 25.2% Hispanic, 24.2% White, 45.3% Female, 53.0% Male.

Success rate data reflects the following for the 2017-18 Cycle:
Asian: 78.2%, Black: 40%, Filipino: 70%, Hispanic: 67.8%, Pacific Islander:100%, White:73.7%, Female: 78.3%, Male: 66.9%

2d. Provide an update on any long-term plans that are still in progress (if applicable).
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We are currently in progress updating and replacing all the current work stations / desks in the arhcitecture studio space, pending budget constraints. It is critical to note that the current work stations / desks and stools in the studio are dated from the 1970’s.
The most critical long-term plan topic for program viability is the engagement of a full time faculty person to guide the program stewardship, development and maintainance (program review), increase program awareness and enrollment and develop additional, new articulation agreement with other university transfer programs such as California College of the Arts, UCLA and Cal Poly SLO.
A full time faculty person would be critical to departmental guidance, outreach and maintaining goals for retention and program development.

3a. Course and program assessment. Discuss the results of your program assessment. Explain any strategies, research, initiatives, curriculum development or other activities intended to improve student learning and promote educational equity in your discipline, either at the course or program level.
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The following summarizes our program’s SLO Assessments in the F2017- SP2018 Academic Year:
Arch 666: 75% Success, Advanced & Rudimentary Levels
Arch 220: 100% Success, 100% Advanced Level
Arch 120: 100% Success, 94 % Advanced, 6% Rudimentary
Arch 100: 93% Success, 73% Advanced Level
Arch 210: 100% Success, 88% Advanced Level, 12% Rudimentary Level
Arch 140: 94% Success, 63% Advanced Level
Arch 100: 86% Success, 81% Advanced Level
Arch 680MB: 100% Success, 80% Advanced
Arch 680MC: 97% Success, 85% Advanced

Students who classify themselves Hispanic and as Other continue to have positive success rates above 65% in 2016-17 & 2017-18 (68.5%, 67.8% & 90.9%, 66.7 respectively).
The success rate for male students was 72.2.6% & 66.9% for 2016-17 & 2017-18.
The success rate for female students was 87.5% & 78.3% for 2016-17 & 2017-18.

Like other community college programs, the architecture program at CSM serves as a gateway for traditionally underrepresented students. Women and non-white architecture students make up a high percentage of CSM’s architecture students (2016-2017 & 2017-2018 at 41% & 70%, 45% & 74% respectively) exceeding those levels of practicing professionals (15% and 28% respectively, 2016 AIA Survey Report on Firm Characteristics).

We are not convinced that the current methods of SLO Assessment are accurate or ideal measures of learning objectives or success in our program.
I have met with Madeleine Murphy this Fall, to review this topic. We would like to employ some alternative measures or methods of assessment and look forward to receiving some staff assistance on developing and implementing them.

Program Success, Retention & Withdraw Indicators (CSM Data):
Success: Spring Term 2016: 73.6%, Spring Term 2018: 77.0%
Retention: Spring Term 2016: 79.2%, Spring Term 2018: 84%
Withdraw: Spring Term 2016:20.8%, Spring Term 2018: 16.0%

3b. General Education / Institutional assessment. Discuss participation in any General Education, Core Competencies, institutional or interdisciplinary assessment activities. 
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Architecture 100 Survey of Modern Architecture satisfies the AA/AS degree humanities requirement (Area E5c) and the AA/AS-T arts requirement (CSU-GE C1, IGETC 3A). Effective Communication and Critical Thinking are supported by a student's ability to "discuss visual and social elements embodied in 20th century movements in contemporary architecture" as assessed through a term paper and by a student's ability to "identify and describe the significant design work, concepts and principles of influential architects and environmental designers from the end of the 19th century to the 21st century" as assessed through final exam questions. Critical Thinking and Social Awareness are supported by a student's ability to "discuss and identify critical relationships between architecture or environmental design and human experience and functional needs" as assessed through a term paper. Assessment results for course-level SLOs are well above the program's target of 80%, indicating that students are able to demonstrate these GE SLOs in the context of Architecture 100.

Labor Market Demand
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4b. Summarize student outcomes in terms of degrees and certificates. Identify areas of accomplishments and areas of concern.
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The Architecture program does not offer certificates, only the AS Degree. The number of degrees awarded is not a measure of student success as the AS degree for our students tends to be a more personal goal or achievement of particular students. The AS degree is not required for transfer to a pre-professional or professional degree program in architecture or does it serve as a benefit or advantage for internship or part-time employment.

In some very basic view, our program’s best measure of success may be the success of student transfer to a pre-professional or professional university program in architecture or related field.

4c. Review and update the program’s Advisory Committee information. Provide the date of most recent advisory committee meeting.
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I am not aware of our Department Program having an Advisory Committee during my tenure as an adjunct instructor.

5a. Provide a brief description, including actions, measurable outcomes, and timelines  
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1. Improve architecture studio work space environment: Currently in progress this Fall 2018. We are working with CSM Facilities to replace current work stations.

2. Improve enrollment numbers in coursework. This effort may include more active outreach to high school programs, increasing awareness of the program to the high school community as well as the public, developing various means of promotional / informational material. This task is also related to outreach to transfer programs and potential development of articulation agreements. This concept- goal will require adjunct faculty support / coordination in order to be developed into a plan with a timeline.

3. Review current curriculum for effectiveness, relevancy & transferability to transfer programs and potential for improved student retention. This concept-goal will require adjunct faculty support / coordination in order to be developed into a plan with a timeline.

4. Review & update current articulation agreement with UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design. This should be reviewed by the 2019 academic year. This requires communication and documentation with transfer program representatives at UCB.

5. Explore potential articulation agreements / transferability with other programs of interest to students, such as California College of the Arts, Cal Poly SLO & Pomona, UCLA. This concept- goal will require adjunct faculty support / coordination in order to be developed into a plan with a timeline.

6. Develop more effective and accurate measures of SLO Assessment. This concept- goal will require adjunct faculty support / coordination in order to be developed into a plan with a timeline.

Note: At this time I am unable to create / assign realistic timelines and action plans for these program goals, at this time as I am unable to predict or assign the time availability or commitment required of the program adjunct staff.

5b. What will your program do to increase student success and promote student equity in the next two years? What kind of professional development and institutional support will be engaged and enacted to meet these goals?  
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Activities, Support and Collaboration
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