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Skyline Stars Award Nominations

In order to celebrate Skyline College's 50th Anniversary this year, the college will be hosting an Anniversary Gala Fundraiser on November 15. At this event, we'd like to honor individuals who have helped to fundamentally shape and support Skyline College over the last 50 years by establishing the Skyline Stars award. Awardees will have been instrumental in helping the college succeed and can be faculty, staff or members of the community.

We invite you to submit nominations to honor deserving individuals! Just fill out the three questions below. Executive Cabinet will review the nominations and select 5 awardees to be recognized at the Anniversary Gala.

Please include your name and email below.
Please include the FULL NAME of the individual you are nominating.
If you can, please also include any other relevant identifying information like current or former job title, or workplace.
Please provide your reasoning for why this person should be recognized with a Skyline Stars award at the Anniversary Gala.