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Technician Job Announcement Form

Contact Information:
Thank you for posting your job listing with us. These postings are for currently enrolled students and should be PART-TIME positions only. All postings must be for PAID positions. Students are trained in basic shop skills, but typically lack shop experience. Agreeing to employ a student means that you are agreeing to providing training and supervising them while they learn. Students enrolled in the Generic program are in classes from 8:00am to 1:00pm, 4 days a week or in the Asian Import program in the afternoons from 1:20pm to 6:30pm, 4 days a week. We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE scheduling students during class time.
Job Title: ✱
Job Description (limit 200 words) ✱
Does your company drug test? ✱
Do you require a background check?
What is your starting wage?