Get Work Wednesday - Employer Survey
Get Work Wednesday is our weekly Employer recruitment series. It is held every Wednesday in our Dining Hall from 10am to 2pm. Please take a moment to complete this form and we will contact you to confirm the details of your participation. Thank you!
Employer Contact Information
Have you participated in any these Employer activities at Skyline College?
Please check all that apply
Please check which of the following dates you are available to join us for our Get Work Wednesday series.
Check as many dates as you are available and we will do our best to accommodate your schedule.
Does your company/organization offer any of the following to our students?
Please check as many as apply for the position(s) you are recruiting for.
Please check if any of the following will be available to students when you participate in Get Work Wednesday:
These are NOT required to particiate, however, for those that can offer these additional hiring services we work with employers to accommodate any additional needs required.
How many positions are you hiring for?
What positions are you currently hiring for?
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Have these positions been posted on our Student Job Board (

If your answer is no, you can complete our brief job posting form at the link below and we will post your opening(s) within 2 business days.  Please go to:

Additional comments or questions?